Section: Software

OpenViBE Software

Participants : Anatole Lécuyer [contact] , Laurent Bonnet, Jozef Legény, Yann Renard.

OpenViBE is a free and open-source software devoted to the design, test and use of Brain-Computer Interfaces.

The OpenViBE platform consists of a set of software modules that can be integrated easily and efficiently to design BCI applications. Key features of the platform are its modularity, its high-performance, its portability, its multiple-users facilities and its connection with high-end/VR displays. The "designer" of the platform enables to build complete scenarios based on existing software modules using a dedicated graphical language and a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI).

This software is available on the INRIA Forge under the terms of the LGPL-V2 licence, and it was officially released in June 2009. Since then, the OpenViBE software has already been downloaded more than 300 time, and it is used by numerous entities worldwide.

Our first international tutorial about OpenViBE was held at the International BCI Meeting in June 2010 (Monterey, US), with around 30 participants.

More information, downloads, tutorials, documentation, videos are available on OpenViBE website : http://openvibe.inria.fr